Integrative Psychiatry Articles

What is Metaflammation, And Does it Affect Mental Health?
A new paradigm called metaflammation (or sometimes metainflammation) has emerged and is suggested to play a role in various chronic diseases, including mental health disorders.

Does Sleep Affect Your Weight Loss?
Research has shown that individuals who skimp on sleep weigh more than those who consistently get a full night’s rest.

Can Sugar Affect My Memory?
Refined sugar causes brain inflammation, depletes tryptophan, slows thyroid function, depletes testosterone in men and contributes to insulin resistance and dementia.

What Causes Brain Fog?
Brain Fog is a term used for certain symptoms that can affect your ability to think. You may feel confused or disorganized or find it hard to focus or put your thoughts into words.

Can You Fight Inflammation With Diet?
What we eat directly influences our body’s function and well-being. In case of illnesses caused by chronic inflammation, our main defense is following an anti-inflammatory diet.

Dr. Dave’s Top Ten Healthy Behaviors: They’re Not What You Might Expect
I’m all about health, happiness, longevity, and increasing your health span. The phrase “health span” refers to the number of years that you live in

Have you Gained Weight During the Pandemic?
We recently received this inquiry from one of our customers: Q: I’m looking for simple lifestyle changes I can make to help me lose my

Are You at Risk for Alzheimer’s? Take the Test
Alzheimer’s disease is a specific cause of dementia and is a disease that destroys memories, and then basic functions of the brain. While dementia simply describes the loss of memory, reasoning and/or other thinking skills, Alzheimer’s is a specific form that isn’t completely understood as to what causes it.

Dementia Cases Rising: What You Can Do To Protect Your Brain
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s, only therapies that slow down the rate of mental decline. It is more important than ever to identify and aggressively address signs and symptoms of early memory loss.

What Causes Dementia?
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month and throughout the month we’ll be sharing new blogs and information about dementia, Alzheimer’s, brain health, and what