After the holidays, you might feel as if you are reeling from difficult encounters with family, the stress of traveling, financial triggers, not enough sleep, seasonal flu or other infections, or simply giving in to old food cravings. Falling off any one of these proverbial wagons is the impetus that leads most of us to turn our focus to self-betterment in the new year.
The truth is, though, that most people don’t realize the best path to having a healthier year is resolving to care of their gut health.
Typical holiday merrymaking means running a gauntlet of hectic pace, lots of people interaction, social pressure, poor sleep, and an even poorer diet.
Just trying to get off the roller coaster ride of carbohydrate intoxication (all those party cookies, beverages, and snacks) can lead to withdrawal, which can cause headache, GI distress, brain fog, irritability, and generalized malaise.
The intestinal wall constitutes a first-line defense against many potentially harmful substances (food, environmental toxins, bacteria, and other microbes). This barrier is very efficient and effective under normal conditions – however, the holidays are usually anything but normal.
All of this can significantly challenge our immune system, compromising this intestinal barrier function. When this happens, substances that are normally unable to cross the cells lining your intestine (epithelial cells) now find their way into your general circulation. And this can lead us to feel very stressed as we enter a new year — just when we would want to be feeling our best!
That is why Dr. David J. Scheiderer, MD, MBA, DFAPA, Director of Education at Integrative Psychiatry, says our first step in treating so many seemingly diverse conditions is to “Seal and Heal” a “leaky gut.”
Dr. Dave recommends daily use of a trio of products from Dr. Wilson’s Original Formulations to support adrenals and heal seal a leaky gut. Taken together on a regular basis, these supplements can help boost the healthy functioning of adrenal glands, cleanse and detoxify, and support better energy and a stronger immune response to stress.
Herbal Adrenal Support contains extracts of organically grown plants demonstrated by scientific research to help sustain and protect the proper function of the organs and glands most affected by stress — especially the adrenal glands. Healthy functioning adrenal glands promote sound sleep and steady energy levels.
Squeaky Clean capsules are a gentle intestinal cleanser and detoxifier. This has a sugar-free, fiber formula that works gently with the natural processes of elimination, and is non-habit forming.
The Super Adrenal Stress Formula provides focused nutrition to enhance adrenal function, energy, stress resilience and adrenal fatigue recovery.
Super Adrenal Stress Formula 150caplets by Dr. Wilson’s Original Formulations
We hope this helps start you on the path towards healing. If you need more guidance our team has a wealth of knowledge and are happy to help! Connect with us here.