Candida Antibodies, Finger Stick (IgG, A, M & Candida Antigen)
The genus Candida comprise about 154 species of which six most commonly inhabit the skin and mucous membranes as members of normal flora. Candida albicans represents the most abundant opportunistic strain while Candida tropicalis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis and Candida lusitaniae may also mount infection under opportunistic conditions. Predisposing factors that may set up such conditions include trauma (infection), surgery, underlying disease (diabetes mellitus, Addison’s disease), medications (corticosteroids, antibiotics, oral contraceptives), immunodeficiency, pregnancy, age (elderly, infancy), and malnutrition.
Generally, fungal infections due to overgrowth of Candida are referred to as Candidiasis of which cover a broad range of clinical signs and symptoms encompassing superficial, local and deep-seated infections.
ELISA Candida Antibodies and Antigen Panel is a semi-quantitative analysis of serum Candida antigen, in addition to IgM, IgG, and IgA antibodies specific for Candia spp.
IgM is the first antibody formed after primary exposure to antigen, and reflects a present infection. IgM readily activates complement, and assists the phagocytic system to eliminate antigen from the intravascular space.
IgG is the predominant antibody formed from secondary exposure to antigen, and reflects a past or ongoing infection. It is produced as IgM antibody levels decrease after primary exposure. IgG activates complement, and assists the phagocytic system to eliminate antigen from the extravascular space.
IgA is found in mucous secretions and is important in local (mucosal) immunity. Elevated IgA antibodies may reflect a more superficial Candida infection.