Precise identification of pathogenic species and susceptibility testing greatly facilitates selection of the most appropriate pharmaceutical or natural treatment agent(s).Gastrointestinal (GI) complaints are among the most common reasons that patients seek medical care. Symptoms associated with GI disorders include persistent diarrhea, constipation, bloating, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome and malabsorption. The Comprehensive Stool may be used to assess digestive and absorptive functions, the presence of opportunistic pathogens and to monitor the efficacy of therapeutic remediation of GI disorders. ,The Comprehensive Stool Analysis determines: Microbiology, Yeast Culture, Digestion, Absorption, Inflammation, Immunology, Campylobacter Culture, Short Chain Fatty Acids, Intestinal Health Markers, Bacterial Susceptibilities, Simple stool sample you collect at home and send to the lab. You receive a copy or the results.**NOT AVAILABLE FOR NEW YORK RESIDENTS**